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What Happens If There Is No Will in Indiana?

人们经常推迟写遗嘱,要么是因为他们太忙,要么是因为他们不喜欢考虑生命终结的问题. But postponing a will is not a good idea. 它会在你去世后给你爱的人带来困惑、花费和延误. 在印第安纳州,有人死时没有留下遗嘱,这被称为“无遗嘱继承”.” It’s a complicated legal term, so the better way to think of it is by asking, “What happens if there is no will in Indiana?”

如果你在印第安纳州去世时没有留下遗嘱,你的财产将传给你最亲近的亲属. 这些资产只包括根据印第安纳州无遗嘱法将通过遗嘱传递的项目——通常是你自己拥有的资产, in your own name.

根据印第安纳州的无遗嘱法,你死后谁能得到什么取决于你是否有在世的配偶, children, parents, or other relatives. 出于这些目的,“后代”被定义为子女、孙辈和曾孙辈. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Spouse but no parents or descendants – Spouse inherits everything.
  • Children but no spouse – Children inherit everything.
  • Spouse and descendants that belong to you and that spouse – Spouse inherits half of intestate property, 孩子们得到另一半的无遗嘱财产在他们之间平均分配.
  • Spouse and at least one descendant from a previous marriage – Spouse inherits half of your intestate personal property and one-quarter of your real estate (minus any liens); children inherit everything else.
  • Spouse and parents -配偶继承你财产的四分之三,父母继承四分之一.
  • Parents but no spouse or descendants – Parents inherit everything.
  • Siblings but no spouse, descendants, or parents – Siblings inherit everything.
  • Siblings and parents, but no spouse or descendants – Siblings and parents share intestate property equally, 但父母的部分必须至少占财产的四分之一.


  • Adopted children (Ind. Code 29-1-2-8合法收养的孩子将和你的亲生孩子一样得到无遗嘱的份额.
  • Stepchildren and foster children -继子女和寄养子女(不是你合法收养的)不会自动获得无遗嘱份额.
  • Children placed for adoption -如果你收养了一个孩子,而这个孩子被别人合法收养了, that child will not automatically receive an intestate share.
  • Posthumous/afterborn children (Ind. Code 29-1-2-6如果你在你死后怀上了一个孩子,这个孩子将获得无遗嘱份额.
  • Grandchildren – (Ind. Code 29-1-2-1只有当他们的父母(你的女儿或儿子)去世并且无法继承他们的份额时,孙子才能获得你的无遗嘱财产的份额.

法律的这一领域非常令人困惑,并指出了创建遗嘱以避免继承人之间的异议和伤害感情的重要性. An estate planning attorney 能否回答您的问题,并更详细地解释这些有关遗嘱的法律.


在某些情况下,即使在印第安纳州没有遗嘱,金钱或财产也可能直接传给继承人, thereby avoiding a lengthy probate process. 这些通常是信托或指定受益人在场的情况. 这些资产不受印第安纳州无遗嘱继承法的分割. Some examples of these include:

  • Property a person has transferred to a living trust
  • Payable-on-death savings and checking accounts at banks
  • Funds in an IRA, 401(k), pension, or other retirement account
  • Real property you co-own with another person
  • Stocks and bonds held in a transfer-on-death account
  • Life insurance assets.

上述资产是根据文件本身的信息继承的——通常是共同所有人或指定的受益人——而不管是否存在遗嘱. 例如,当你购买人寿保险或为401(k)计划提供资金时,你会列出受益人的名字。. This information is put in writing in the original document. 定期检查和更新指定的受益人是一个好主意,以防有人去世, you have more children, or you want to change your designated heirs.


Here are the things you should know.

在印第安纳州,当有人在没有遗嘱的情况下去世时,家庭成员之间争夺财产是一个不幸的现实. Arguments can also arise when a will is vague or outdated. 这些受益人之间的争斗往往以家庭成员雇佣律师而告终 attorney to contest the will. 就遗嘱而言,一盎司的预防绝对胜过一磅的治疗. 你现在为防止以后的争吵做得越多越好. This is where a clear, well-crafted will can help.

如果你有一个年长的家庭成员——比如父母或姑母——鼓励他们制定一个遗产计划是个好主意. 思考这些事情的时间是在他们身体健康、思维敏捷的时候. A skilled elder law attorney 或者遗产规划律师可以帮助你所爱的人把他们的事务,并创建工具,使他们能够保护和分配他们的资产轻松.


避免围绕家族遗产产生混乱和分歧的最简单方法是主动制定遗嘱和遗产计划. If you do this while you’re still healthy and vibrant, 这给了你时间与你的配偶和继承人讨论你的计划,并回答他们的问题. 这有助于在你去世后避免伤害感情和争吵. 制定遗产计划是你能给家人的最有爱心的礼物之一. At Church Langdon Lopp Banet Law Firm, 我们帮助许多家庭制定了最终将财产和金融资产传给继承人的计划. We can customize a plan for you, too. 这将使您减少税收,避免漫长而昂贵的遗嘱认证过程. 如欲了解更多有关我们的遗产规划bet9九州体育登录,请致电812-725-8224.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Attorney Steve LangdonLicensed to practice in both Indiana and Kentucky, Steve Langdon is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]

Pitfalls of DIY Trust And Estate Planning Documents

Featured Snippet: DIY信托和遗产规划文件的缺点包括不一致, lack of flexibility, asset omissions, vague provisions, and they may not follow the laws of your home state. 此外,他们缺乏对未来挑战和机遇的适当考虑. 
