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Does It Matter Who Files for 离婚 First?

  • June 2, 2022
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 离婚

印第安纳州 is a “no-fault” state, 这意味着你不需要对你的配偶提出任何指控来申请离婚. When you file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, you only have to state that the marriage is irretrievably broken. Thus, on the surface, it does not matter who files for 离婚 first. Even when both spouses want to 离婚当你开始人生的新篇章时,这可能是一个可怕的时刻. 和, you have several unknowns ahead of you, such as how long the 离婚 process takes, whether your spouse will argue over division of property, 探视, 和支持, and other factors you now have to deal with.

我们的 离婚 lawyers can help you through the entire process, 你和你的配偶是否在所有事情上达成一致,并想要提出无争议离婚,或者你需要去法院决定财产分割, 探视 和支持. 在你的离婚诉讼中,谁先提出离婚是很重要的, 这是在争取最好的代理方面迈出的一步. If you act before your spouse, 在提交申请之前,你会处于一个更好的位置,因为你的律师会告诉你所有的选择,并解释这个过程中的每一步. 如果你从一开始就有法律顾问,你可以做出更明智的决定.

Uncontested 离婚

If you and your spouse agree on everything, you can file for an uncontested 离婚. 即使在这种情况下,你可能想知道是否最好先申请离婚. While your 离婚 may be amicable, 如果你从一开始就得到律师的帮助,你会准备得更好. So, if you choose to file first, or at the very least, to speak with an attorney first, you can better protect your interests.

In an uncontested 离婚, you still have to go through the court process, but the time it takes is much shorter. 我们的离婚律师会帮你起草一份婚姻和解协议,双方都要审阅并签署. 和解协议包括资产和负债的划分, a time-sharing agreement for spending time with the children, and child and spousal support information.

一旦你签署了婚姻和解协议,它将被提交法院批准. 如果法官认为和解协议是公平的并且符合孩子们的最大利益, he or she will grant a final judgment of dissolution of marriage.

起草和审查婚姻和解协议并获得法院批准可能只需要60天的时间, depending on the court’s schedule.

Contested 离婚

A 离婚 is contested when one person does not want to 离婚, or both want to 离婚 but cannot agree on the division of assets, time-sharing with the children, and whether one spouse should pay spousal support.

If you file a contested 离婚, it still does not matter who files first, 虽然归档人通常是支付法庭申请费的人. This process could take 60 days or longer, 这取决于你在最终听证会前有多少法庭听证会. Just as is the case in an amicable 离婚, 你可能会发现自己处于更有利的法律地位,可以第一个采取行动, so it can make a difference who files for 离婚 first, simply from a strategic point of view.

Filing for 离婚 and Court Hearings

一般来说,当两个人不能就某件事达成一致时,他们会请求法院介入. 例如, if you want to spend 50 percent of the time with your child, but your spouse refuses to let you see the child, you might file a motion in the court to ask for time-sharing rights.

In some cases, 配偶中的一方可能会“浪费”资产——试图出售或放弃资产来怨恨另一方. “受伤”的配偶可能会向法院提出动议,要求法院暂停使用共同的钱或出售共同的资产.

In other cases, 配偶中的一方可能已经很多年没有工作了,因为他或她一直在家照顾孩子. 如果没有另一方的经济帮助,这一方将无法独自生存. 不工作的配偶可以向法院申请临时配偶抚养费.

起草向法院提出的请求和安排法庭听证会需要时间. Not only does the court have to have a slot open, 但夫妻双方的律师也必须可以在开庭当天自由出席听证会.

Once mandatory disclosure/discovery has been completed, the attorneys can schedule a final hearing with the court. 最终听证会的时间可能短至一个小时,也可能长达几天, depending on the circumstances of the parties. In some cases, the parties are able to agree on some things, but not all, 因此,法庭听证会花费的时间更少,因为法院不必听取和裁决你同意的问题.


离婚是一个复杂的过程,即使没有孩子. At the very least, 你会有资产和债务需要分割,也许你需要就配偶赡养费达成协议. As you debate whether you should file for 离婚 first, consider that you may have a stronger position if you do. 如果你先找一个能帮你申请离婚的律师,你就能更了解离婚的程序和协议的结构.


Child Support

双方必须通过其律师向对方提供所有财务信息. They must also complete a financial disclosure statement. 法院根据披露的信息来决定子女有权获得多少抚养费. 子女抚养费并不是法院凭空捏造出来的任意数字——州法规提供了一个 公式 that bases child support for each spouse on his or her income. Child support is used for providing housing, 服装, medical care, 学校教育, activities and more for the child.

印第安纳州法规还包括医疗保险和儿童日托方面的优惠,并使用相同的百分比来确定配偶双方支付的金额. 子女抚养费并不是夫妻双方分担的“相等”金额. 它是一个 公平的 根据收入计算的数额通常会转给拥有大部分分时共享的配偶.

Spousal Support

如果你要求配偶赡养费,谁先提出离婚并不重要. The court looks at several factors when determining spousal support, including the length of the marriage, the income of the spouses, 以及夫妻双方在离婚前几个月和离婚审理期间的行为.

Division of Property

印第安纳州 is an 公平的 distribution state. This means that neither spouse is automatically entitled to half. 而不是, the court begins with a presumption that a 50/50 split is fair, 但是看看夫妻双方目前和未来的赚钱能力, non-marital assets, spousal support, 还有其他因素来决定另一个百分比是否更公平.

If You Wonder If It Matters Who Files for 离婚 First, Ask Us

如果你准备申请离婚或者你的配偶申请离婚, 请致电(812)725-8224与bet9九州体育登录线路的新奥尔巴尼离婚律师bet9九州体育登录线路,预约咨询. 我们可以讨论你离婚的所有因素,以及为什么你最好先申请离婚. Give us a call to learn about your next steps.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Attorney Steve LangdonLicensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, Steve Langdon is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, including living wills and health care surrogate designations. [ Attorney Bio ]

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