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Making the decision to sue someone is not something that should be undertaken lightly. 我们都听过关于美国社会多么爱打官司的笑话, 虽然确实有很多诉讼, 很多都是合法的. Innocent people who get hurt because someone else behaved recklessly deserve to be compensated for their suffering. Parties who uphold their end of a contract should be able to enforce its terms. Couples who conclude that they are better off apart must have a way to dissolve their marriage. 虽然概括性可以讨论, it is important to note that every lawsuit is based on a unique set of circumstances, 以及解决一个问题的步骤 ...

医疗保险和. 医疗补助计划

The federal government is a massive entity, the true size of 哪一个 is up for debate. 取决于来源, the number of federal agencies has been reported to be as few as 60 and as many as 430. One agency whose existence is not in question is the Centers for Medicare and 医疗补助计划 Services (CMS), 哪一个, 在其他职责中, oversees Medicare and works with state governments to manage 医疗补助计划. These two similar-sounding public insurance programs are very different, but they have the same goal of providing medical and health-related services to certain groups of disadvantaged people. 医疗补助计划 delivers healthcare coverage to low-income families and individuals, including seniors, ...

儿童bet9九州体育登录部 & 印第安纳州的人口贩卖

  • 4月22日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 家庭法

It can be difficult for Americans to admit that some of humanity’s biggest problems don’t just happen “somewhere else.“没有一个国家能免于贫困等社会弊病, 饥饿, 文盲, 歧视, 以及人口贩卖. 这是正确的. This modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain happens right here in 印第安纳州. 事实上,我们有美国政府设立的42个特别工作组中的一个.S. 来解决日益增长的犯罪问题. It's called IPATH: the 印第安纳州 Protection of Abused and Trafficked Humans. 全国人口贩运资源中心热线, 自2007年12月起由北极星项目运营, 是否接到过电话, em ...


  • 4月19日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 家庭法

When the custody of your child is in dispute to the point where the courts have become involved, 你有, 在某种意义上, relinquished certain decisions about your child’s future to the judge. It’s your job to convince the judge that your opinion is the correct one and is in your child’s best interests. 如果你有律师(你应该有)!), he or she will advocate for you and present your case – your arguments – to the judge. But the other parent of your child believes his or her opinion is the correct one, 太, 这是为了你孩子的最大利益. And there’s most likely another attorney on that side presenting that case – and those arguments – to the judge. I ...

印第安纳州的儿童抚养费计算 & 肯塔基州

  • 3月23日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 家庭法

抚养孩子很昂贵,这不是什么秘密. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that annual child-rearing expenses for a child in a two-child, 已婚夫妇, 中等收入(税前61美元),530 to $106,540美元一个家庭的价格在12美元之间,800美元和14美元,970, while expenditures by married households with one child averages 25 percent more. To raise a child from birth to age 18 will cost an average of $245,340 (in 2013 dollars). 这些估计数用于制定儿童抚养准则, 每个州都不一样, 而是由各州最高法院或立法机关设立的. Child support is based on the idea that the children of divorced parents shou ...


  • 3月16日
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  • 家庭法

Transitioning from female to male (FTM) or male to female (MTF) is a lengthy process – one that is often marked more by struggle than by celebration. 为变性人准备的, being able to legally change their name and gender marker is a momentous milestone. Telling loved ones of your new name or proper pronouns is certainly a big step, but there comes a time when it’s important to transform them from mere preference to official terminology. 这个过程因州而异, 并不是所有的法官都同意, 所以为了避免将来出现任何问题, 咨询律师是明智的. Much of the way we are distinguished throughout life is by name and ...


每个人都会死,但不是每个人都立遗嘱. While it’s understandable that some people are uncomfortable discussing their mortality, their reluctance to plan for it can force their families to fight through the courts in order to determine where their assets will go and how their debts will be paid. 不幸的是,没有遗嘱是非常普遍的. According to a 2014 survey, more than 60 percent of Americans do not have one. 和No. 为什么不呢?? “只是还没抽出时间做一个.” 谁应该立遗嘱? 几乎所有人. 无论你的遗产是小而简单还是大而复杂, planning ahead gives you some control over what happens to your belong ...

Some 遗产规划 Considerations for Same-Sex Couples After Obergefell

法律总是在变化. To be effective, laws have to be able to address the constantly evolving views and values of society. Many civil rights issues are battled over in the courts and the legislature for decades. In 1973, Maryland became the first state to ban same-sex marriage by statute, spurring the gay and lesbian equal rights movement forward through domestic partnerships, 婚姻保护法(DOMA), 宪法修正案, 民事结合, 拼凑各州的合法化/禁止, 以及2015年6月的全面婚姻合法化. 最高法院对奥贝格费尔诉. Hodges prevents any state from denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples. 这个裁决是自动的 ...


  • 1月6日
  • bet9九州体育登录线路
  • 家庭法

Everyone knows that no matter what the tag says, one size does NOT fit all. 离婚s are the same way, since no two sets of circumstances are identical. 这在法律上被称为“婚姻解除”,” many divorces are settled without the parties having to endure a contested courtroom proceeding. If you are unable to settle your case with your spouse, then it will go to trial. The complexity of any divorce really hinges on two main points: whether or not there are minor children and whether or not the parties have an agreement on all the issues. 这里列出了一些一般的指导方针, but it is extremely important to consult a family law attorney who can cut out the excess and tail ...


代码片段: The drawbacks of DIY trust and estate planning documents include inconsistencies, 缺乏灵活性, 资产遗漏, 模糊的规定, 而且他们可能不遵守你所在州的法律. In addition, they lack proper consideration for future challenges and opportunities. 
